Common Tasks
Implicit makes many common tasks not only easier but allows you to get better results.
Making powerful lists
Lists are at the core of Implicit. Reaching people, organizing / sorting through them, send them tweets, and more are made easier by creating lists.
Implicit also creates a few pre-existing lists for Fans, Peers, and Mentors. To build a list for yourself, all you need to do is:
- Navigate to the “audience” tab
- Creating a list with an appropriate name
- Easily add people by running a special ‘Query’ option
- This allows you to ‘Add Filter’
- In the drop down pick whichever method you’d like to use to add people, including from “Engagement”, “list ID”, “Comments” etc.
- Once the list is added you can add people manually to the list as well by clicking on the add button.
Automating Giveaways
Lots of people on Twitter are doing giveaways and other activities that require ‘auto-DMs’ to happen. Sending 800 messages manually is unpractical, and just generally a waste of time.
Implicit not only lets you automate the hard part, it allows you to send messages that look like they were sent by a human. To do this:
- Navigate to the “audience” tab
- Create or choose a list
- Select the “Add” button
- Choose “From engagement” and inputting the link to your Tweet
- Personalize first names and/or group people into speific sublists
- Broadcast DMs to every one in your list while making sure to split long messages into many shorter messages.
Twitter is all about momentum, and nowhere is that more true than in your posts. Getting likes, retweets, and comments makes the algorithm give it a boost.
Implicit lets you set yourself up for success by making it easy to tease future releases of content - this is how:
- Navigate to the “audience” tab
- Pick or make a highly targeted list for the announcement
- Craft your message, we recommend something along the lines of “Created this thread with you in mind, would love to hear your thoughts on it [link]”
- Set up a broadcast for everyone in the list, and send your message out
Feel free to DM me if you can't find answers @VineetSinha. I want to make sure that Social is not overwhelming on Twitter.